• Sichuan Junyi Industrial equipment Co.,Ltd is based in the HVLS big industrial ceiling fans industry, Focused on the study of ventilation in tall buildings, Has a strong technical force of product research and development team and unity rigorous marketing team, During the rapid development of the company, the company always adheres to the concept of leading, fast and innovative, and develops steadily year by year, and the sales volume in the international and domestic markets increases steadily. "Natural wind" brand industrial ceiling fan has been widely recognized in the industry, Its energy saving effect is outstanding, practicability is strong, it is the substitution of traditional small fan and air conditioning.Our Large industrial ceiling fans is up to 7 meters in diameter, Hanging from the roof of the building, Similar to a regular small ceiling fan but different from a small ceiling fan, It can get a large area of air flowing at a low speed, To create convection throughout the building, Thus, ventilation and cooling of personnel and products can be realized.
The soul of the enterprise to survive and succeed is: The spirit of pursuing excellence; Down-to-earth style; Mechanisms for accountability; Results measure everything. The company has always been full of enthusiasm, sincere cooperation attitude, win-win business principles to meet each cooperation!
主营地区中国四川自由贸易试验区成都高新区吉泰五路88号2栋19层2号 |
经营模式或其他机构 |
最近年检时间2018年 |
登记机关高新工商局 |
主要客户群所有人群 |
经营范围销售机电设备、液压设备、电气设备、物料搬运设备、五金交电、电子产品、电动工具、通讯器材(不含无线广播电视发射及卫星地面接收设备)、仪器仪表、工业自动化控制设备、工业风扇、通风设备、制冷设备 、压缩机、工程机械设备、发动机并提供技术咨询及维修服务;仓储服务(不含危险化学品);货物及技术进出口。(依法须经批准的项目、经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。 |
公司邮编610000 |
行政区域四川成都 |
公司地址四川自由贸易试验区成都高新区吉泰五路88号2栋19层2号 |